Thursday, June 17, 2010

In this picture, the girl has red streaks in her hair....?

in the photo the girl has red streaks in her hair, what kind of washout temp. dye can i use, that doesnt stain hair, and washes out easily, within a few days. I also don't want any of those gross halloween dyes that make your hair all clumpy, and thick, like you used mousse gel and hairspray all at once.

In this picture, the girl has red streaks in her hair....?

if you can find it in any asian stores... gatsby moving rubber (crazy weird name, i know.) works REALLY well. seriously. it comes in like ten different colours and doesnt clump. its AMAZING. :) good luck!

In this picture, the girl has red streaks in her hair....?

I think there is one that eventually washes out its called fereire(might be wrong spelling) by L'oreale.

In this picture, the girl has red streaks in her hair....?

it looks like marker then hair dye

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